So here we are. 2 weeks and one 2:2 later and I have become fully immersed in my absurd new life in this absurd country. Camp is truly an immersion and America is a parody of itself. I've fallen in with the very people that I used to mock.
I know all the words to the pledge of allegiance and to that Miley Cyrus song. For breakfast I eat 'Captain Crunch', waffles with syrup and a peanut butter-and-jelly bagel. For lunch, it's Macaroni and cheese and for dinner; cheeseburgers and French fries. When I'm not drowning in their inexcusable yet irresistible food, I drown in the work here. I have so little free time that I have lost all interest in free time as I have completely forgotten what it entails.
But I've remembered one thing since I started here. I love kids! They drive me crazy some days and occasionally the guitar teaching facilities can leave a bit to be desired but there is nothing quite like it.
I'm going on a big day out to the big city pretty soon so I'll be sure to upload some photos with that post.
Until then, stay safe. Hope you all had a nice 4th of July.